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We plant our trees and shrubs with the help of volunteers who donate their time to us. We firmly believe that we must work as a team to achieve worthwhile changes.

Our goals

Our goals

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Conservation and rehabilitation of forests in Costa Rica

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Generate environmental education programs accessible to all

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Reduce the impact of global warming

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Recover the homes of native species

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Securing water in the rivers and springs of Costa Rica



Forest conservation and rehabilitation


1.   Basic development of experience and knowledge about the process of collecting, germinating, developing and planting shrubs and tall trees.

2.   By December 2022, create a sufficient critical mass of vegetative material in the nursery to supply the current monthly demand of 3,000 plants between shrubs and trees, which which represents an average inventory of 18,000 between seedlings and ready-to-sow shrub and tree plants.


3.   Develop the first satellite nursery on the slopes of the Irazú Volcano where 6,000 seedlings can be transferred to develop and acclimatize in the area where they will later be planted.


Generate accessible environmental education programs


1.   Create and print our first teaching book for children between first and third grade on topics relevant to the importance of high altitude forests, their rehabilitation and I take care, concluding the activity with the planting of shrubs and trees in the company of their families.

2.   Create workshops, courses and conferences for companies, in order to raise awareness about the importance of forests in Costa Rica and their role in the environment.

3.   Generate alliances with universities to create knowledge through research and development.

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Reduce the impact of global warming


1.   Generate alliances with companies to mitigate their CO2, thus generating more sustainable companies.

2.   Opt for the blue flag,becoming thus in a model project on environmental issues

3.  Work hand in hand with the Decarbonization Plan of the Bicentennial Government to make farms and municipalities carbon neutral


Recover the homes of native species


1.   Rehabilitate the forests of Costa Rica to recover the home of wild animals.

2.   Generate awareness about the importance of each animal thatinhabits the forest so that people understand the impact they have on the environment and the importance of saving them.

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Securing water in the rivers and springs of Costa Rica


1.   Rehabilitate the highland forests of Costa Rica and the forests near rivers and headwaters with the purpose of caring for and recovering aquifers.

2.   Among the education part, explain to the target public how to care for water and the importance of conserving it.

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