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  • Rehabilitación De Bosques | Fundación Bosque Vivo

    We are the first high altitude forest rehabilitation project in Costa Rica learn more We are the first reforestation project and rehabilitation of highland forests in Costa Rica. We want to return the highland forests of this country to their natural state, since these are the ones that provide water and life to all of us. Without the highland forests we would not have drinking water because these are what help keep the water in the aquifers. We want to recover the forests, not only reduce our footprint We plant with the purpose of rehabilitating the forests Our 2024 goals We understand the importance of what we do, which is why, together with our strategic allies, we set ambitious goals this year. Trees planted 2691/4000 trees for ecosystem rehabilitation Enviornmental Education 154/500 boys and girls educated in environmental topics Certificates of participation We offer the option of requesting a certificate of participation to all people or companies that support us, either through planting or with donations. These certificates can be used for the processes of Bandera Azul Ecológica, Carbon Neutrality, among others... Support Us Planting events More than 3500 native trees and shrubs planted Help us continue to rehabilitate Costa Rica's forests Support us Environmental education More than 300 girls and boys educated in environmental topics Help us continue educating the children and youth of Costa Rica. Support us Our reach 1300+ Followers 500+ People educated in environmental topics 2000+ Trees and shrubs in our nursery 25+ Planting events 7+ Protected hectares $86K+ Funds raised for ecosystem rehabilitation and environmental education

  • Investigación y Desarrollo | Bosque Vivo

    Investigation and development As part of the development of high altitude greenhouses and the lack of practical knowledge about them, it is necessary to experiment and find the best ways to be successful in the processes of germination and seedling development. Substrates Given the diversity of natural substrates in a forest, it is necessary to investigate the chemical, organic, microbiological content, substrate acidity and humidity, in order to be able to emulate them successfully in the greenhouse. Germination The following relevant aspects must be taken into account in the germination process: substrate, daylight hours, light intensity, relative humidity in the environment, germination time and optimal moment for transplanting into the bag. Early development The development is the period that goes from germination until they are ready to leave the nursery, it can be a period between 2-4 months. Developing Outside the nursery, either under artificial shade or under the sun, depending on the seedling variety, it is the time that allows the tree to be ready for transplanting in its final location (rehabilitation zone). It is important to record the actual development times of the trees. Transplant One aspect to be successful in planting trees is the preparation of the place where they are going to be located. For this, it is necessary to know the chemical, organic, microbiological conditions, levels of acidity and humidity of the soil to compensate it either with mountain microorganisms, organic fertilizers or amendments (caldolomite).

  • About us | Bosque Vivo

    What we do Fundación Bosque Vivo is divided into four major projects: volunteering, education, greenhouses, and research and development. Each of these projects is essential for the foundation to function. About us I found out more about the people behind the project, who they are and their contribution to the foundation know more Our identity Get to know our bases and what we believe in know more Our goals Discover what we want to achieve with this foundation know more Our history Learn about our history, how we started and what we have achieved know more

  • Sobre nosotros | Bosque Vivo

    Educate to care, care to heal and heal to return to harmony This is our purpose About us Fundación Bosque Vivo was born as a family initiative in response to the lack of projects that existed to reforest and rehabilitate highland forests in Costa Rica. When we found out that there were no projects focused on reforesting and rehabilitating highland forests, we knew it was time to get involved. We created Fundación Bosque Vivo to give back to nature all that it gives us and to show the world how important it is to take care of it.

  • Contactanos | Bosque Vivo

    Contact us WhatsApp: +(506) 8908-2808 Name Telephone E-mail Message Send Thank you for your message!

  • Partners | Bosque Vivo

    Our partners We firmly believe that we must work as a team to achieve worthwhile changes. Our Partners We believe in uniting with people who want to achieve our same goals. Become a partner Do you want to become an allied brand? Contact us Thank you for your interest in helping! Send

  • Our history | Bosque Vivo

    Our history We plant our trees and shrubs with the help of volunteers who donate their time and dedication to us. We firmly believe that we must work as a team to achieve worthwhile changes. Our history 2020 Fundación Bosque Vivo was born as a response to the lack of initiatives that existed to reforest highland forests in Costa Rica. The first planting is organized on October 17, in which, with the help of Soy Héroe Ambiental and Selva Negra, 185 trees were planted in Finca Los Bambinos and 1,500 trees in bags. 2021 Fundación Bosque Vivo was born as a response to the lack of initiatives that existed to reforest highland forests in Costa Rica. The first planting is organized on October 17, in which, with the help of Soy Héroe Ambiental and Selva Negra, 185 trees were planted in Finca Los Bambinos and 1,500 trees in bags. December 2021 Bosque Vivo Foundation generates the first alliance with a forest nursery, in this case the Bosque Vivo SRL Nursery, this is a type of alliance that is expected to have with several nurseries throughout Costa Rica. The nursery is built with resources from the Activa-Catie initiative and the Development Bank. 2022 On January 25, the UK Minister for the Environment, Zac Goldsmith, did us the honor of inaugurating our foundation and planting the first tree of the Living Forest Nursery. We were also accompanied by Andrea Meza, the Minister of Environment of Costa Rica who also participated in the inauguration. The Bosque Vivo Nursery has a capacity for 5,000 trees in bags and has its own seed germination section. Right now we have a total of 4,000 trees and a monthly growth of 2,000 trees is expected. April 2022 On April 19, we were interviewed by a team of journalists from La Nación (Juan Fernando Lara, Rafael Pacheco and Kenneth Kangri), in the interview they talked about the farm where it all began, the beginnings of the foundation and everything we have achieved and will What do we want to achieve with the foundation? For the full interview give click here July 2022 We continue with the germination and collection of tall tree seedlings in our nursery, Vivero Bosque Vivo. At the moment we have approximately 5,000 trees and shrubs in bags and a section dedicated to seed germination. October 2022 On October 22 we had the first planting of the Queen's Green Canopy project with the participation of the United Kingdom embassy, the Embassy of Canada , The Chamber of Commerce British-Costa Rican , Videndum Production Solutions, Pearson LATAM and UCIMED. Thanks to the support of these companies we were able to collect funds to plant 450 trees and only on the first day of planting we were able to plant 350 of these. To read the news click here August 2023 On August 18 we had a planting event with Deloitte collaborators. We planted a total of 27 trees and shrubs around a wetland that we are rehabilitating. On August 25 we formalized our alliance with Amigos of Costa Rica, which allows us to receive donations from the US. November 2022 On November 5 we had the first planting of the Bosque Memorial project, a project of the XX Generation of Colegio La Salle. The idea of the project is to plant a tree for each comrade who has left, thus leaving not only a forest in memory of all of them, but also a legacy. A total of 22 trees were planted on behalf of the partners and 5 shrubs separately to attract pollinators. November 2022 On November 5 we had the first planting of the Bosque Memorial project, a project of the XX Generation of Colegio La Salle. The idea of the project is to plant a tree for each comrade who has left, thus leaving not only a forest in memory of all of them, but also a legacy. A total of 22 trees were planted on behalf of the partners and 5 shrubs separately to attract pollinators. November 2022 On November 5 we had the first planting of the Bosque Memorial project, a project of the XX Generation of Colegio La Salle. The idea of the project is to plant a tree for each comrade who has left, thus leaving not only a forest in memory of all of them, but also a legacy. A total of 22 trees were planted on behalf of the partners and 5 shrubs separately to attract pollinators. November 2022 On November 5 we had the first planting of the Bosque Memorial project, a project of the XX Generation of Colegio La Salle. The idea of the project is to plant a tree for each comrade who has left, thus leaving not only a forest in memory of all of them, but also a legacy. A total of 22 trees were planted on behalf of the partners and 5 shrubs separately to attract pollinators. November 2022 On November 5 we had the first planting of the Bosque Memorial project, a project of the XX Generation of Colegio La Salle. The idea of the project is to plant a tree for each comrade who has left, thus leaving not only a forest in memory of all of them, but also a legacy. A total of 22 trees were planted on behalf of the partners and 5 shrubs separately to attract pollinators. November 2022 On November 5 we had the first planting of the Bosque Memorial project, a project of the XX Generation of Colegio La Salle. The idea of the project is to plant a tree for each comrade who has left, thus leaving not only a forest in memory of all of them, but also a legacy. A total of 22 trees were planted on behalf of the partners and 5 shrubs separately to attract pollinators. October 2023 A wetland that had been lost due to livestock activity in the area is rehabilitated. The wetland has a total of 900m2 and more than 200 trees and bushes planted around it. This project was sponsored by our friends and allies at Journey Costa Rica. September 2023 On September 22 and 29 we had plantings with Experian Costa Rica. We planted a total of 289 trees and shrubs to expand a biological corridor that borders the Braulio Carrillo National Park. January 2024 We managed to capture the first coyote visits to the wetland that we rehabilitated. The animals in the area did not wait long to start taking advantage of the wetland, we began to see dragonflies, frogs, snakes and migratory birds. March 2024 We began to see more and more animals near the wetland. We began to see a tapir, hares, armadillos and even cats like a manigordo and a jaguarundi. April 2024 This year we celebrate Earth Month with Journey Costa Rica and Esploratori Learning Center. We had planting and environmental education activities. With Journey Costa Rica we had a planting event in which we talked about the impact we are making with ecosystem restorations and then we planted a total of 500 trees on the slope of the Ciruelas River, adjacent to the Braulio Carrillo National Park. With Esploratori Learning Center we had the opportunity to talk about the importance of trees and the impact that forests have on the environment. All educational material created for the event was sponsored by Journey Costa Rica. Mayo 2024 Sembramos 266 árboles y arbustos con Experian en Finca Los Bambinos. Junio 2024 Sembramos 290 árboles y arbustos con nuestros voluntarios en Finca Los Bambinos y en JRB S.A. Donamos 225 árboles y arbustos a la Escuela Ramón Barrantes Herrera. Continuamos con los talleres de educación ambiental con NidoLab, Centro Educativo San Francisco de Asís y Escuela Guatuso del Tejar del Guarco.

  • Voluntariado | Bosque Vivo

    Volunteering We plant our trees and shrubs with the help of volunteers who donate their time and dedication to us. We firmly believe that we must work as a team to achieve worthwhile changes. We are planting trees! We have planted around 650 trees and shrubs in the forest that borders the Braulio Carrillo Séctor Barva National Park. Be part of the solution Do you want to be a volunteer and help us rehabilitate the forests? Contact us Thank you for your interest in helping! Send Thanks for your help!

  • Educación | Bosque Vivo

    At Fundación Bosque Vivo we believe that environmental education is key to reduce our carbon footprint. Environmental education The Aula Bosque or Forest Classroom is a learning methology in which the participant will be able to create knowledge through sensory activities. Its aim is to create empathy towards the enviornment. Aula Bosque has several stations along a route through the forest in which the participant gradually immerses him or herself in the reality of the forest; discovering and learning about it through activities that exalt the senses and that generate moments of wonder that promote self discovery and knowledge development. Aula Bosque The methodology Aula Bosque or Forest Classroom will be available for children soon. The idea is to generate that special bond with nature that is not learned in a common classroom. We faithfully believe in falling in love with nature to generate a real change in people's mentality. Educational workshops and conferences Soon we will be offering workshops and conferences for schools and colleges, this with the purpose of promoting environmental education in the educational area of the country. Contactanos Workshops and business conferences Soon we will be offering workshops and conferences for companies that are interested in learning more about the environment and how to reduce their carbon footprint.

  • Quiénes nos apoyan | Bosque Vivo

    Our Allies These are the people/brands that support us beyond donations, they are the ones that also help us with intellectual capital, technical support, volunteering or with support in the management of the foundation or the nursery. Don Francis Founder & CEO Ashley Jones Tech Lead tess brown officemanager Lisa Rose product manager our partners They are those people/brands that help us with intellectual capital, technical support, volunteering or with support in the management of the foundation or the nursery. Don Francis Founder & CEO Ashley Jones Tech Lead tess brown officemanager Lisa Rose product manager Our friends They are those people/brands that are donors, volunteers and/or owners of the land where we plant our trees. We have 108 friends at the moment Join our support network! Name Surname E-mail Write a message Send Thank you for your message!

  • Our Identity | Bosque Vivo

    Our bases Our foundation is built on strong foundations that keep us always heading in the right direction. Mission Rehabilitate and conserve the forests of Costa Rica through strategic alliances, forest rehabilitation programs through a network of nurseries throughout the country, generation of knowledge through research and development, always using education and training as the pillars for change. Vision become a model organization to follow on issues of environmental education, rehabilitation, conservation, research and care of tropical forests . Our identity We are the result of what we believe and think 1. Passion is the ingredient that articulates the entire system. It is what allows us to live intensely what we do, it is what gives meaning to our lives. 2. Commitment turns ideas and dreams into reality, into concrete actions, is to go beyond what is expected. 3. Respect it is what allows everything to flow through people regardless of ethnicity or gender, their beliefs, thoughts, feelings, customs or beliefs. It is respect for nature at all levels (caring, protecting, conserving...), it is what allows harmony inside and outside the organization. 4. For our organization, teamwork is the main tool to achieve success. Therefore, the ability to work as a team is essential for our collaborators. 5. Each of our collaborators must feel that their contribution to nature is an act of gratitude . By rehabilitating forests, we give back to the planet part of what we have taken from it and we thank it for all that it continually gives us. 6. As a foundation (NGO) we receive many types of support, making us responsible for its best use. For this reason, we consider that they should be administered under the total transparency in all fields (financial, human, knowledge...), it is our obligation and responsibility. 7. We are a window through which our donors can inherit a legacy to future generations, a better world to live in each time we plant a tree. It is a gift that transcends our own lives 8. We believe that high altitude forests are vital for human survival by capturing and fixing water to the soil, in addition, forests create space to escape from the stressful world and fill the soul, so we help create wellness. 9. Everything related to nature requires the necessary time for it to happen. we will be patients , because many of the results will be seen in the long term and we, under no circumstances, will do things that alter the natural processes to achieve shorter-term results. 10. We are part of a relationship network , each one necessary for everything to flow and sustainable results to be achieved. Relations with the community, local and central governments, organizations, institutions, the private sector, friendly governments, people, educational and professional centers... without them, we will not be able to achieve our objectives, since it is a shared responsibility among the different actors in society. and we are the gear that articulates everything. 11. We believe in Investigation and development as sources of knowledge and experience creation. 12. We believe that changes begin with the education and involvement of the communities.

  • About us | Bosque Vivo

    Educate to care, care to heal and heal to return to harmony This is our purpose Founders Our team is made up of people who not only share the values of our foundation but also our goals. We want each person who joins the team to have our same motivations and concerns. Founders Giugliana Protti Creative director Rocio Ruiz Greenhouse Director Pier Protti Executive Director Partners Karina Mora In charge of education and cultural change Clara Herrera Responsible for sustainability and ecotourism Representatives LIC Pamela Pardo Representative before the Central Government Monica Hernandez Representative before the municipality

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